Introduction to Ecological Phages

What are phages?

Bacteriophages - also known as Phages (“bacterium eaters”) are natural occurring organisms that are present on land, in water and many other habitats.

Thousands of varieties of phage exist, and each has evolved to interact with a specific type of bacteria only. By attaching themselves to the membrane of the bacterium they change its DNA. The phage’s DNA then commandeers the bacteria, ensuring its destruction, but in that process, it replicates itself ensuring its own existence. This is just one of the reasons why phages are better than chemical disease control.

Phages in biocat+ OSAA

Biocat+ OSAA technology captures and cultivates phages from different ecological backgrounds. This unique combination of bacteriophages, archaeaphages and mycophages creates a diverse and overlapping cocktail of organisms capable of a multi directional approach to overcome problematic pathogens.

The naturally produced raw materials are converted into a substrate which then undergoes a fermentation style process. This material is then passed through a catalytic converter to convert the liquid into a form of Biocat+ OSAA. It then undergoes the concentration process which includes multiple membrane filtration systems to reduce the amount of water in the substrate and thus increase the concentration of Biocat+

The application of Biocat+ OSAA increases yield and quality in crops and offers health benefits to livestock. Biocat+ OSAA reduces the need of pesticides for disease control and disease resistance, avoids antimicrobials, and offers increased efficiency in bioenergy.

Overall, the phages in Biocat+ OSAA compliments the organic growing systems for root development enhancement and improved plant establishment, or as we like to phrase it "Modulating the Rhizosphere"


Biocat+ was applied to carrots after seeding as a spray and again 30 days later as a drip application. The treated carrots yielded significantly better than the untreated beds, with uniform nutrient content.

Commercial Vegetable Grower California, USA

Since using Biocat+ OSAA on my greenhouse flower production we haven't experienced any plant diseases, leaves are much healthier and the end product, cut flowers, have a much extended shelf life.

Greenhouse Grower Norfolk UK

Help Nature Help Itself

Our vision is to provide a sustainable, environmentally friendly and organic biostimulant product, commercially available to all food and animal sectors, that will enhance productivity and profitability.
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Modulating the rhizosphere
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Halesfield 4

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